The Problem
Our client, Lincoln, needed a system that would help the company process data files for bulk analysis. Previously, Lincoln employees were processing Excel data sheets manually, but as the business expanded, the company could no longer handle the massive influx of files that needed to be processed. As a result, the company sought to develop a new system that would ensure the tedious process could be completed accurately and efficiently.
Our Solution
In order to enhance Lincoln’s operations, we decided to automate the company’s systems, writing a unique algorithm to analyze and clean up the data so the files could be imported into a database. The robotic process automation system we built streamlines the entire procedure and provides the ability to sort and filter the data into a more easily processed format. With this successful system, Lincoln can now effortlessly process the thousands of data files the company receives each month.
What We Did
Power BI Dashboard
For this project, we included a database that enables users to import files that can be processed with a Power BI dashboard. This way, users can easily create reports with Power BI to display the data visually.
Automatic Sorting
The system is also built to automatically run as soon as a file is dropped into a certain folder or emailed in, allowing files to be quickly sorted based on errors or warning flags. This function has significantly helped to reduce employee workloads while increasing the company’s throughput, customer count, and revenue.
Machine Learning
Because not all the files Lincoln receives are in the same format, we implemented machine learning to process the information into a database so it could be viewed and sorted in order to find specific data. This also ensures that the data can be correctly mapped out.